Where To Find High Quality Epithalon Wholesale

Jul 26, 2023
Epithalon (Epitalon) is a synthetic derivative of Epithalamin that is being investigated as a potential modulator of telomerase.Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for maintaining and protecting telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of strands of DNA called chromosomes.Studies have shown that Epithalon has the ability to induce telomere lengthening, which may have important implications in combating the effects of aging.When purchasing a DSIP, it is very important to find a reputable and reliable manufacturer to ensure the quality and efficacy of the product.Polypeptide.ltd is a trusted peptide manufacturer.For bulk peptide orders, it can provide a competitive price.
Benefits of Epithalon:
First, fight aging.Epithalon's remarkable effects are due at least in part to its ability to eliminate free radicals, charged molecules known to cause damage to healthy tissue.
Second, activate DNA.Epithalon directly interacts with DNA, resulting in the activation and enhancement of specific gene expression.Epithalon has been found to interact with the promoter regions of genes such as CD5, IL-2, MMP2 and Tram1.
Third, maintain skin health.Epithalon not only activates MMP2, but also stimulates fibroblasts (the cells responsible for producing and maintaining MMP2) as well as other components of the extracellular matrix (such as collagen and elastin).
Fourth, reduce tumor development.In addition, it prevents these tumors from metastasizing, or spreading, to distant tissues.
Fifth, restore melatonin secretion to normal levels.Epithalon and similar peptides affect melatonin synthesis and release by modulating the expression of two key proteins: arylalkylamine N acetyltransferase and CREB transcription protein.
Contact information:
Official website:https://www.polypeptide.ltd/product/epithalon/
Phone number: +86 13537899410
Emial: ella at polypeptide.ltd
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